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The National Capital Pond’s 38th Annual Golf Outing
Monday, June 10, 2024
Montgomery Country Club
20908 Golf View Dr.
Laytonsville, Md. 20882
Format: Modified Scramble
Registration & Breakfast: 9:00 AM
Shotgun Start: 10:00 AM
*Dinner and Prizes Following*
$160.00 per player/$640 per foursome
Longest Drive – Straightest Drive – Closest to Pin – 50/50 Raffle
***Please Bring A Door Prize***
Registrations are confirmed by receipt of payment – Due by June 3, 2024
*Credit Cards, PayPal, and Venmo accepted. Online payment is preferred*
All checks made payable to “National Capital Pond” and mailed to:
Tiffany Barrett
307 S. Atwood Rd.
Bel Air, MD 21014
Many Sponsorship Opportunities Available:

FOR ALL SPONSORS : Please provide artwork for your sign in the form of a business card or art quality logo.
Provide artwork to Tiffany Barrett
no later than June 3, 2024
FOR ALL HOLE SPONSORS WITH SETUP : Please provide liquor order to Barb Markuski at 301-404-5758 and/or no later than June 3, 2024, as all liquor must be ordered from the course.
Let Andrea Dawes know if there will be more than two people joining for breakfast and/or lunch. Sponsorship includes 2 people’s meals for those sitting on the hole. If you have additional people, it is $20 for lunch and $40 for dinner in addition to the cost of the sponsorship.